Savezni sudija je privremeno blokirao administraciju predsednika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država Donalda Trampa u nameri da zamrzne savezne zajmove, grantove i drugu finansijsku pomoć za 22 države, preneo je Rojters. Presuda američkog okružnog sudije Džona Mekonela u Providensu, u državi Rod [...]
An American judge has temporarily blocked President Trump's administration from freezing federal funding for 22 states. This decision comes in response to a lawsuit filed by Democratic state attorneys general, despite the White House's claims of withdrawing the relevant memorandum. The judge's order prevents the freeze from taking effect until further notice.
An American judge has temporarily blocked President Trump's administration from freezing federal funding for 22 states. This decision comes in response to a lawsuit filed by Democratic state attorneys general, despite the White House's claims of withdrawing the relevant memorandum. The judge's order prevents the freeze from taking effect until further notice.